National Theme and Goals


National Theme

To commemorate and honor the men, women, and children of the first English colony in North America in 1587, and the founding of the original thirteen colonies, which became the United States of America.


  • “Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still they say. Watch and listen.
  • You are the result of the love of thousands.” – Linda Logan
  • “Not to know of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?” – Marcus Tullius Cicero


National Scripture

“If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me,

your right hand will hold me fast.” 
Psalm 139.9-10


National Motto

Past, Present, and Future

The Motto emphasis is “Past” for the administration’s first year.


National Object

Patriotic, Historical, and Educational

The Object emphasis is “Historical” for the administration’s first year.


The NATIONAL PRESIDENT’S PROJECT To commemorate and honor the men, women, and children of the first English colony in North America in 1587, and the founding of the original thirteen colonies which became the United States of America.


Committee Emphasis for 2024-2025:

Patriotic Education

The Colonial Courier

Colonial and Genealogical Records

Historic Landmarks and Memorials

National Headquarters



Thirteen Colony Emphasis: New Hampshire Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York

The Goals for 2024-2025:

Support the National President’s Project by donations of $2.00 per member.

Purchase the National President’s commemorative pin to support the educational project at Fort Raleigh National Historic site. Help improve visitor understanding of the life of the first English colonists and their known experiences to better connect visitors to the humanity of the Raleigh expeditions. Honor and commemorate the original 13 colonies and the Past, Present, Future of our National Society. Wear your pin with pride in honor of our colonial ancestors, the “good People of these Colonies”, who helped contribute to the formation of a new nation on July 4, 1776!

Revisit the founding history of the first five original colonies.

Write an article for The Colonial Courier about the founding of the colony where your NSDAC ancestor(s) first settled upon arrival in the New World!

Colonial and Genealogical Records – Share copies of your family’s historical and genealogical records!

What historical flags would have been flown in your NSDAC’s ancestor’s colony prior to the creation and raising of the Continental Army flag in 1776?

Help maintain and preserve NSDAC’s historic headquarters building!

Creation of a new engaging national website.

Increase our Membership Always!